Allow is to permit while find is to look
Mairs responded by telling them that their depiction was painful to the disabled people, especially when it comes to their<u> self-esteem</u>. This makes the disabled people hopeless in conforming to the society that they belong–thinking that they'll never be good enough when compared to the able-bodied in the advertisements. This makes them <u>invisible to the society.</u>
The local advertiser she asked responded to her that they didn't include disabled people in their advertisements because<u><em> people might get a wrong notion that the advertisement was only for the disabled people.</em></u>
For Mairs, it is important that the able-bodied people should also recognize the disabled people as an important part of the society.
Fate plays a role in determining the outcome of events
Soarele generează energie dintr-un proces numit fuziune nucleară. În timpul fuziunii nucleare, presiunea ridicată și temperatura din nucleul soarelui determină separarea nucleelor de electronii lor. Nucleii de hidrogen fuzionează pentru a forma un atom de heliu.