Not sure on the context of this question, but a loop is generally used to iterate though every piece of data to perform some kind of operation, on everything in something like an array or string.
In Excel the sum B2 and B6 simply means that B2 and B6 Numbers are adding to get a Sum, it actually like the normal Calculator, but in Excel it helps to do the calculation of your your data simple and easy, there is no hard work.
Effective not effectove. These are guidelines:
Be brief.
Have a short opening sentence or paragraph that puts the matter in context.
Use the middle paragraph(s) to cover the matter(s) in hand.
Close with a clear agreement of what will be done, by whom, and by when.
The limit for file names on modern file systems is usually at least 255 bytes.
1 true 2 true 3 false 4 true