Usually, Google Docs save automatically. If you remember some keywords that you typed, try searching for it. For example, if you typed up a report about dogs, search "dogs" when you're on the Google Docs home screen.
If this doesn't help, leave a comment and I'll try to help more!
the horse, the man, and the cactus
The horse is running
The man got slung off the horse, so its in motion
The cactus is flying everywhere from the horse.
Here are some important points:
- we use it to do essays for school
- we can use it to do flyers for recreational events
- we can use it to do pamphlets to inform people
- it is versatile, so you can create many different types of documents
- you can create charts
This can be your opening statement
Today, there is a lot asked of a child in school. From charts to essay to projects, the average kid has at least 10 different programs they use just for one project. But there is one program that came along and changed everything, and that program is called Microsoft word. Microsoft word is valuable because it is versatile (what I wrote earlier about it being able to do many different tasks), it simplifies your experience (what i said about it being able to combine different programs into one), and it is free (you can write about how some programs charge to use their high-grade programs but microsoft is free and avaialabe on every windows
1. non photorealistic rendering
2. siftables
3. spherical audio
4. blu ray