Sky rocket high: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly.
overwhelming:upset, overthrow
Aggressive: to cause to rise or increase abruptly and rapidly, violent
Exhausted: tired
Groceries: grocer's shop or business
Wearily: with extreme tiredness
A sigh of relief: To show relief, relaxation
Made our way: your own way
Accompanied: go somewhere with (someone) as a companion or escort.
Pleasant: giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment
Julius Caesar restored democracy to the Roman government
That's I have my mind
I say B
It is the least specific one so I would say that one.
It is the third one
Her childhood experiences gave her an understanding oh how to read and write poetry.
- Angelou was called as Maya because her brother called her Maya when she was a child. When she was eight years old, she was raped.
- To overcome the trauma, she started writing. She describes that in her autobiography. She became a writer after a series of occupations when she was young.
- She has cited her experiences in her book which reveals that it is her own childhood experience.