Reverse faults are exactly the opposite of normal faults. If the hanging wall rises relative to the footwall you have a reverse fault. Reverse faults occur in areas undergoing compression. If you imagine undoing the motion of a reverse fault, you will undo the compression and thus lengthen the horizontal distance between two points on either side of the fault.
if you stood on the fault plane the block on the right would be under your feet. this is thus the footwall. The tan sandstone has been pushed up and over itself. This offset of the hanging wall indicates that this is a reverse fault.
The tendency of water molecules to stick to other molecules also allows water to dissolve substances that are important to life, such as ions, DNA, and many proteins. This is necessary for life because molecules that have been dissolved in water or another polar solvent interact with each other more readily.
Answer: Placebo effect
John is experiencing placebo
effect where the pill that contains no pain killing medication has given pain
relief to John. A placebo is a substance with no therapeutic effect but sometimes
improves patient’s condition. This is due to patient’s expectation that the
pill they take can help or ease the pain they have even if no active ingredient
is present.
Therefore, the effect is more
than positive thinking or believing that a treatment will work by creating a
stronger connection between the brain and body as they work together.
They are dangerous to the environment because they have no natural competition. That being said they have nothing to keep their population in check, therefore, taking away food, and habits from all the other species. Thus, causing species to die out, which in turn ruins the food chain.