The Tassie Devil has held this title for over 80 years. Prior to 1936, the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world was the thylacline, which is commonly know as the Tasmanian Tiger. The thylacline is a distant relative of the Tasmanian Devil and was over the twice it’s size!
A mother gives birth to around 20-40 Joeys at once. However, these joeys have to race to her pouch, which only has 4 teats. Talk about a hard start to life!
Although the yawn is more a display of fear and anxiety than aggression.
Answer:B. The variety of species in an ecosystem
cells came from nonliving things.
Actually, in physical cosmology, Big Bang nucleosynthesis (or primordial nucleosynthesis) refers to the production of nuclei other than H-1, the normal, light hydrogen, during the early phases of the universe, shortly after the Big Bang. About first millisecond, the universe had cooled to a few trillion kelvins (1012 K) and quarks finally had the opportunity to bind together into free protons and neutrons. Free neutrons are unstable with a half-life of about ten minutes (614.8 s) and formed in much smaller numbers. The abundance ratio was about seven protons for every neutron. Before one neutron half-life passed nearly every neutron had paired up with a proton, and nearly every one of these pairs had paired up to form helium. By this time the universe had cooled to a few billion kelvins (109 K) and the rate of nucleosynthesis had slowed down significantly.