Ways the human right violation influence the people in south african Communities are :
- It Undermine the value of the dark skinned people as a human being
- They have to live with irrational fear from terror that subjected to them
- They are denied from various kind of opportunities that exist in their Country
The author share his thoughts and prayers for the family of Trayvon Martin. It seems that the poet can assume the anxiety and sorrows of their life.
No. 1. The poet along with juries were instructed to clear their relevant doubts.
No.2. The African- American community is going through a transformation and there is need to help them.
No.3. Education, un-employment and health related issues are affecting this community and this should be looked into it.
its is a metaphor
because it is more active
B. The words were burrowed into English, along with the concepts they describe.