D. Show archive folder in folder list
Other dude is wrong
Sorry this is a typing test, too pysical for online help as for the words and time limit to reinforced learning, if content is the issue grab an article or paper and type that.
I don’t really understand what you are trying to ask. Try posting a picture along with your question
bool identicaltrees(Node* root1,Node* root2)//function of type boolean true if idenctical false if not.
if(root1==NULL&&root2==NULL)//both trees are null means identical.
return true;
if(roo1 && root2)
if(root1->data==root2->data)//condition for recursive call..
return (identicaltrees(root1->left,root2->right)&&identicaltrees(root1->right&&root2->right);
return false;
In this function it of type boolean returns true if both the trees are identical return false if not.First we are checking root node of both the trees if both are null then they are identical returning true.
If both root nodes are not null then checking their data.If data is same then recursively traversing on both trees and checking both trees.
else returning false.