This is kinda random but we have to write a recipe for my Spanish class. I'm making a recipe for pancakes. Can someone help me t
ranslate this into spanish? Thanks. "Step 1: Pour flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a bowl. In the center, pour milk, eggs, and oil. Its necessary, to mix the batter until its smooth. This part is important. Step 2: Heat up a frying pan to about medium temperature. Pour the pancake batter into the pan, exactly abour 1/4 for each pancake. Cook it until its brown on both sides then its finished. If you want you can add stuff like maple syrup and fruit to your pancakes. That's how you can make pancakes."
Paso 1: Vierte la harina, azúcar, polvo de hornear y sal en un cuenco. En el centro,Vierte leche, huevos, y aceite. Es necesario mezclar la masa hasta que quede suave. Esta parte es importante Paso 2: Calentar un sartén a temperatura mediana. Vierte la mezcla de panqueque en el sartén, exactamente a alrededor de 1/4 para cada panqueque. Cocinar hasta que este dorado en ambos lados y ya esta listo. Si quieres tu puedes agregar cosas como jarabe de acre y frutas a tus panqueques. Así es como puedes acer panqueques.
yeah fam i gotchu i'm bilingual so that was easy :D
Paso 1: Vierta la harina, el azúcar, el polvo de hornear y la sal en un bol. En el centro, vierta la leche, los huevos y el aceite. Es necesario mezclar la masa hasta que quede suave. Esta parte es importante.
Malala is a very good role model for everyone. She is a girl who standed up for girls education, thinking that everyone deserves the right to get a good education. Because of her kindness and belif, she survived a shot from the taliban when she was coming home from school. In my opinion, Malala is a very good role model and inspiring women so you should talk about her.