using the internet and the process of elimination, A is your answer
Answer: Option E
A. Poor quality inventory will not be sold leading to excess of it thus it is a reason.
B. Large set up times will lead to loosing of customers, thus, reason for excess inventory.
C. Unreliable equipment urges for overproduction while the equipment is working efficiently thus it is a reason for excess inventory.
D. Poor employee relationships effects organisation process which might lead to delay in sales thus, a reason for excess inventory.
E. Workers union establishes efficiency in the work performance of labor, thus, it is not a reason in excess inventory.
Answer: to catch the eye and to make merchandise look irresistible
Answer: Repeat little and often. It's alarming how quickly students can forget vocabulary. Encouraging students to focus on new vocabulary daily is the best way to make it stick. It doesn't have to involve sitting down for hours; little and often will help get vocabulary into students long term memory.
C. Is top management committed to the study?
Yes, market research is very important for the organisations which can help them in finding new trends and patterns in their consumers, they can find out what are products which they need to launch further, which products are not performing well but the main question before starting the research process is that each and every single person of the organisation should take part in the whole process particularly the top level management should be agrees upon and committed to it otherwise the whole process will go in vain. Because when the top level will be committed, they not only by proving the resources needed for the research but also they will be happily implementing the research findings for the betterment of the organisation. Therefore, top management should be committed otherwise it will just be waste of time and efforts.