The tomahawk.
King Philip´s War is the First Indian War (1675-1676) on the soil of British American colonies in the 17th century. It takes its name from the English name of Wampanoag tribe chief Metacom. The war´s main cause was the appropiation of more lands by colonists. It was a bloody conflict with thousands of killed on boths sides, colonist towns burned and Indian villages destroyed.
They followed animals and found a good place to live.
People migrated from Asia to the Americas because they followed animals and found a good place to live.
Historians and archeologist think that after the last ice age, a natural frozen bridge allowed people from Asia to cross to America through the Bering Strait. The strait separates Russia from Alaska by 58 miles. Because the territory was frozen, humans in that time could follow animal herds to hunt them and feed their families
The Civil Rights Movement is an umbrella term for the many varieties of activism. Despite the abolition of slavery and legal gains for African Americans, racial and freedom was the largest civil rights protest in US history.
Defending the rights of Muslims to live safely and do their religious practice freely like in Badr Ghazua; Muslims were tortured and exiled from their homes only because they fellow a new religion that has equaled the masters and the slaves in the rights and duties, in the eyes of the Islamic community and Allah( the god).
Another Example: in Oohod Ghazua Muslims enemies attacked Muslim s to take revenge of their loss in Badr Ghazua.
They were both farmers and the north used more factories while the south didn't.