Some studies show that intrinsic motivation may not be entirely vulnerable to the effects of extrinsic reinforcements; in fact, reinforcements such as verbal praise might actually increase intrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by internal rewards. In other words, the motivation to engage in a behavior arises from within the individual because it is naturally satisfying to you.
Where does the story take place? They seem to be walking through the woods due to being under the trees where they hear the birds. It also seems to take place before there were cars due to the fact that they are lawyers and they are riding horses. It is also interesting to note that they were going into the next town - riding horses.....
pues es decir estoy teniendo un dia gris muchas veces son colores frios por eso los colores son sentimientos por decirlo asi en algunas escuelas de estados unidos no dejan que los estudiantes escriban con negro o rojo por que muchas veces los deprime asi que los colore son una forma de expresarse