Your answer would be the following one: their, there, buy, and by.
The first option is the possessive determiner because you can see that the word is followed by a noun phrase. Possessive determiners are words that are used in front of nouns to express possession. They occur with a noun and they do not replace noun phrases as pronouns do.
The second option is the adverb "there". In this case, the adverb of place has been used to refer to a place that has already been mentioned (the convention). Then, the third option is the verb "buy". The word is preceded by the indefinite particle and followed by an NP which functions as the direct object. Finally, the last option is the preposition "by". That PP takes an NP complement "their favorite author".
The family of Mr. Albert
Date : 12 January 2021
It is very unfortunate for us to hear the demise of such a great human like Mr Albert. The earthquake last month made a lot of damage and took our loved ones from us.
Unfortunately Mr. Albert was one of them. He was a helpful person in nature and was very serious about the development of the society. He was a well wisher of our school and helped our institution many times in many ways. My deepest condolence lies with teh family.
Head master
XYZ Public school
1st paragraph is conclude
My reaction to this quote is that Abraham Lincoln is referring to the ideal that once people have power they tend to abuse it for their advantage, and personal gain. For Example, gerrymandering. Gerrymandering is the manipulation of the county sizing and grouping in states by the Legislative branch to guarantee their reelection into federal or state offices. A typically Democratic city perhaps may be grouped or redrawn to conjoin with a vastly Republican populated area, creating a larger group of supporters of one party, and a polarized county.