i really don't know the language you exactly want to translate to but i will translate it to arabic language
أنا أستيقظت فى الساعه السادسه و النصف صباحاً .انا سأكل طعامى فى الساعه السابعه و النصف صباحاً .انا سأشاهد التلفزيون فى الساعه الثامنه و النصف صباحا .انا سأبد المذاكره فى الساعه التاسعه و النصف صباحا .انا اكل الغداء فى الساعه الواحده بعد الظهر انا العب مع اصدقائى فى الساعه الثانيه و النصف بعد الظهر .انا اكل المقبلات فى الساعه الخامسه مساءً .انا اكل عشائى فى الساعه الثامنه مساء .انا سأنام فى الساعه العاشره مساء
translate to arabic i hope that help you
A physical or behavior change for the purpose of survival.
Adaptation is the physical or behavioural characteristic of an organism that helps an organism to survive better in the surrounding environment.” Living things are adapted to the habitat they live in. This is because they have special features that help them to survive.
Answer:Did you know 160,000 teens have skipped school because of bullying? Throught most of our school lives, we've wittnessed bullying, we might've even bullied people ourselves. But is bullying okay? I beveive bullying is not okay. In the article "The Number Of Kids Bullied Each Year Is Truly Heartbreaking" by Caroline Hogeveen, it states that "20 percent of students report being bullied". This is significant because some of those students might to turn twords self due to bullying. Although bullying is an instinct, and can be used as a defense mechanisim, it still isn't okay to push someone into a bad mental state. This is why bullying is not okay.
I’m not sure of what you want us to answer for your question. Please explain.
Answer:I'm only a year or so in to learning but believe it's more or less a partial phrase.
こんにち is like "this day" and は is just the particle
So こんにちは is like "as for this day(it is 'insert unspoken words')"
Same with こんばんは "as for this evening"
If you were to say to someone on the street "Beautiful day" which is just an adjective and a noun but doesn't have a verb anywhere, you'd know they just meant "It's a beautiful day out, don't you agree?" and that it was a greeting.
The whole partial phrase thing happens a lot in casual speech. When someone asks あなたは "as for you?", it's typically asked as a question but doesn't have a か or anything about what is being asked. Context.