a person's ability to perceive humour or appreciate a joke
I don’t have CourseHero, but I did find this Prezi that looks like it has the information you need: https://prezi.com/2xx4atwhjhno/traitor-and-patriot-chart-of-brutus-and-caesar/
In the context of the story 'The Devil', people put the life of a dying person in someone else's hand.
'The Devil' is a short story about a farmer, Honore and his dying mother. In the story it so happens that the young farmer couldn't take care of his dying mother since he has to look after his wheat as well. So he hires Mother Rapet to take care of her mother.
She works on daily wages but the farmer insist on a set rate. When mother Rapet realized that his mother is taking too long to die, she took the matter in her own hand and does acts which leads to death of the farmer's mother.
From this story, readers get to know that these days how even death is negotiated. People according to their well being decides when someone's time has come.
He says she should just listen so that way her dad doesnt argue with Aunt Alexandra and Scout ends up fghting Jem after he says that.
C. Being able to understand test questions.