When you inquire about a credit card charge, then it has no impact on your credit score. The correct option among all the options given in the question is option . Nowhere around the world can there be any rules that can deduct the credit rating of a person for inquiring about a credit card charge. It would be absolutely ridiculous.
I did some research and this what they say
Hope its help ;)
The three G's, God, Glory, and Gold. They could spread their beliefs and society (God) to whomever they encountered, making them "less savage," they would gain glory just for conquering new lands and expanding their empires, and they could achieve riches by taking the lands they found for their own personal use and resource collection.
Corporatism is a political ideology which advocates the organization of society by corporate groups, such as agricultural, labour, military, scientific, or guild associations, on the basis of their common interests. The term is derived from the Latin corpus, or "human body"
Menes was the first pharaoh of egypt .
<h2>Please mark me as brainlist. </h2>
) the power to enforce laws