? can you explain a bit more ?
"A. Coal was the main source of energy during the Industrial Revolution" is not true of coal production during the Industrial Revolution, since it was in fact the steam engine that superseded coal later in the Revolution.<span />
Social- Which has a beneficial effect on the whole society or on any social group.
Political- Politics is the practice and theory of influencing other people at the civic or individual level.
intellectual- That is mainly dedicated to activities or jobs in which the use of intelligence predominates.
Cultural- Of culture or related to it.
Economic- Of the economy or related to this discipline.
In the United States of America, it created the law that for a statement to be slander, it must be false. It must be issued with malice aforethought. It made political correctness contrary to the law. It made the current slander laws of England contrary to those of The United States and unenforceable in The United States. Therefore, when someone from some third world country feels insulted because of what an American wrote about the mistreatment of women in his nation and wins a lawsuit for a million dollars in a British court, it will not be enforced in The United States.
Is number 4 you will find mountains and basin in the west of Texas