As Victorian imperial poetry, "The White Man's Burden" thematically corresponds to Kipling's belief that the British Empire was the Englishman's "Divine Burden to reign God's Empire on Earth"; and celebrates British colonialism as a mission of civilisation that eventually would benefit the colonised natives.
The FBI only employed 48 African Americans out of a total of 13,649 and these 48 were nearly all chauffeurs. Kennedy did more than any president before him to have more African Americans appointed to federal government posts. In total, he appointed 40 to senior federal positions including five as federal judges.
Mohamed Naguib
to get in this spot he led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 that overthrew King Farouk. June 18 1953.
It is c because if its a past verb it would have past tense
A metropolis is one city with a populace of a half of a million or more inhabitants that sits at the center of an "agglomeration" of littler urban entities that converge into a persistent developed zone. While a megalopolis is a provincial, spread out combination of different open spaces, towns and urban communities.