It change because people were finally allowed to worship God
The correct answer should be something like equality, or equity, but mostly it is the right of the people to choose their own representatives. In authoritarian states the rulers are usually not chosen by the people and impose their will without the opinion of the people.
Under imperial rule
In this question, we are to select which of the options best describe the leadership style in Haiti in the 1950s
The correct answer here is that Haiti was under imperial rule
When we talk of the 1850s, we mean a period in the 19th century that spanned 1850-1859
During this period, Haiti was an empire.
An empire is like a king-ruled entity but the king here takes the title of an emperor and as such the style of leadership is an imperial one as the emperor would be referred to as the imperial majesty.
Freedom Because was the first one i to you and your dad and he said that he is going to a