The best way is to add more security. It can be done by using different methods like strengthening passwords with numeric and character symbols. <span> A</span><span>void signing in laptops and computers that are not yours, so your accounts wouldn't be automatically saved. Keep your gadgets and computer free from viruses. Lastly, do not tell your emails and passwords to anyone.</span>
this is puberty and young adults are people who are between 18 and 24 but an emerging adult can be any where from 12 to 30
situational factor
Social psychology examines how people affect one another, and it looks at the power of the situation. Social psychologists assert that an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are very much influenced by social situations. Essentially, people will change their behavior to align with the social situation at hand. If we are in a new situation or are unsure how to behave, we will take our cues from other individuals. Situational forces that have a strong influence on human behavior including social roles, social norms, and scripts. The social environment as a source of information, or cues, on how to behave. Situational influences on our behavior have important consequences, such as whether we will help a stranger in an emergency or how we would behave in an unfamiliar environment.
According to science, yes – happiness, indeed, has a heritable component. It’s a finding that is surprising and not surprising at the same time. It's surprising because of our culturally-sanctioned convictions that with our choices, thoughts, and behavior, we have the final say on how well we function in our lives, not our circumstances. But it's also not surprising because if our genes play a part in shaping who we are in the world, they will also have a say in how we pursue and find happiness. People might inherit genes that put them in advantageous or less favorable positions. Depression is genetic...
During the of condensation , water in a gas state changes to a liquid state.