1. What does this image say to you? Be specific.
The image depicts sadness, despair, economic plight, poverty. It depicts hopelessness. The picture is one of the most famous taken during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
2. Can you relate to this woman and her two children?
She's very likely their mother, for the way that the two children cling to her. If not, she could be their aunt or step-mother. She is definitely not likely to be family unrelated to the children.
3. Approximately how old do you believe this woman to be? Her children? What made you come to that conclusion?
The woman must be in her late 30s or early 40s. The children are probably around 5 or 6. Their ages can be inferred by their physical appearance.
First prompt seems easy.
The most important impact of the Columbian Exchange was the spread of different animals and vegetables.
Now, you can come up with the rest by researching about the Columbian Exchange if you don't know much about it, instead of asking for someone to do the whole document for you. I got you starting line, you're welcome :)
the german people needed a strong leader
The gap between the rich and the poor grew. Large wealthy landowners took over the "abandoned" farms of those serving in the military. These soldiers came back and found that they had no land. They were basically homeless. Without land, they had no basis for earning a living and no say in the government. Without farms to earn an income, these men could fall into debt. This could lead to becoming slaves of the landowners. When the next census was held, they might even lose their citizenship if they didn't own Roman property. Citizenship was an important factor in the government of the republic. Citizens were expected to perform certain civic duties, such as voting. Without citizenship, the people would lose their voice.