They could eat healthier, like replacing junk food with healthier options, and exercise more by maybe going for walks instead of sitting around watching TV
Seth's body mass index amounts to 33.9. He is classified as obese.
Although obese people are frequent victims of diabetes and kidney disease compared to their normal weighted counterparts, these diseases develop less at the age of 18.
Seth's BMI indicates the letter A. He has a slight risk of weight-related diseases.
It is recommended to exercise an hour at a time because ligaments, joints, and muscles get weak after an hour of exercise which can increase the risk of injury.
B. Modifying the rules
The answer is not A because there's no rule that the team must be rotated.
As for increasing or decreasing the difficulty, it is really subjective to the point of view of each team.
Therefore, the answer is "modifying the rules".
Date: 7/# (whatever date needed)
Type of Activity: Flexibility
Description of Activity: Yoga
Downward Dog: 30 sec
Low Cobra: 30 sec
Childs Pose: 30 sec
High lunge: Warrior 1: 30 sec
Warrior 2: 30 sec
Cat/Cow Pose: 30 sec
Bridge Pose: 30 sec
Corps pose: 3 mins
Intensity Level: Moderate
Time: 13:30
There is no warm up or cool down needed for stretching**