The debates over immigration and immigration policy did not develop in recent memory. In fact, one could argue that the debates over this issue date back to antiquity. During Biblical times people did not agree with each other regarding immigration. Even the authors of the Scriptures had different opinions about immigration. Matthew and Paul are two New Testament authors who each discuss the topic of immigration in their writings. Matthew did so in the second chapter of his Gospel, and Paul, in the thirteenth chapter of his letter to the Romans.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the author discusses the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Some people could argue that this story is an argument in favor of lenient immigration policies and international laws, especially those regarding refugees and asylum. Matthew mentions the dream that Joseph had about “an angel of the Lord” (Matthew 2:13) telling him to flee to Egypt with his wife and their new baby because King Herod was searching for baby Jesus in order to kill him since Herod did not want to believe that Jesus was the Messiah. This dream conversation is important because part of the context of Matthew is trying to convince people that Jesus is the Messiah.
They should be used sparingly throughout the essay. If something is important enough to be in the sentence, it should be fully part of it. As always, make sure to check with your teacher or professor.
Hope this helps!
He went to great trouble to arrange this visit with his old partner because:
C. He learned his lesson too late and wanted to save Scrooge from an afterlife of misery.
<em>“It is required of every man,” the Ghost returned, “that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. …”</em>
The lines above are said by Jacob Marley in Stave One of "A Christmas' Carol". Marley is now a ghost and has come to visit his old friend, Scrooge. <u>According to Marley, people are supposed to evolve while they are alive. They are supposed to become better, kinder, more empathetic toward others. In case they fail to do so, they are bound to do it after death.</u>
<u>That is why he has decided to visit Scrooge. He wants his friend to avoid having the same fate as himself. Scrooge is a cold-hearted man, so Marley wants him to learn his lesson before death and become a better person.</u>
Shakespeare uses alliteration as Juliet describes her premonitions after she is left alone by her mother and her nurse. Alliteration occurs when a writer repeatedly uses the same letter at the beginning of words that are in close proximity. We see both a repetition of "f" and "c" sounds in the following speech: I have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins that almost freezes up the heat of life. I’ll call them back again to comfort me. In the above passage, Shakespeare also uses the juxtaposition of opposites in placing "freezes" near "heat." Juliet conjures imagery as she imagines waking up in the vault and being driven mad by all the dead bodies there. Imagery is describing with any of the five senses: sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. In the following passage, Juliet vividly conjures smell and sound: what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes torn out of the earthShakespeare uses repetition for emphasis, such as when Juliet repeats Romeo's name three times: Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! The exclamation point also shows her emotions rising to a crescendo. This soliloquy of Juliet's, in which, all alone on stage, she verbalizes her thoughts, is an example of foreshadowing or suggesting what is to come: things do go quite awry with the plan for her to feign death. Through Juliet's soliloquy, we learn her thoughts and fears as she takes the step of drinking the potion. We come to understand what a frightening prospect this is for her. We see what courage it takes her to go ahead with the plan. We also are alerted to the risky nature of this scheme.
Jonathan Toews. or your decision