Answer: Chronosystem.
Urie Bronfenbrenner, an American psychologist, developed the Ecological Systems Theory as an explanation to how children interact with their environment and how in turn the environment affects the child’s development.
The first four levels of the system are:
Microsystem <em>(Immediate Environment)
Mesosystem <em>(Connections)
Exosystem <em>(Indirect Environment)
Macrosystem <em>(Social and Cultural Values)
The last system, which underlies all the other levels is the Chronosystem. This system introduces time to the theory. It includes changes over time in a small level (changes to family structure, changes in social circle) and changes at a social level (wars, recessions, etc.).
Most Data types do hold only one value as an element, python's Dictionary holds key/value pair. In Python, DICTIONARIES are unordered collection of data. These data are used to store values, for instance in the question given, writing the script that will make use of user input contact names and their associated phone numbers; DICTIONARY is ideal for storing and accessing these associated values.
When creating a python's Dictionary it is worthy of note that dictionary keys are case sensitive. Dictionary, in Python can be created by imputing sequence of elements within - {}, and then you separate {} by ‘comma’. For example;
# Creating contact names
Dict = {}
print("contact name: ")
Oblong facial shape can be visually shortened by applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline.
To applying deeper tones under the chin and horizontally at the hairline on rectangular, narrow, long and angular faces can visually is characterized by a broad, straight forehead and square jawline.
Oblong facial shape: Tends to be long, narrow, and angular
To know more about the facial shape:
Answer: In differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA), it is possible for the problem behavior and reinforced behaviour to coexist while in differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI), it is not.
Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) and differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior (DRI) are both ways to reduce or eliminate unsatisfactory behavior. They aim to change behavior by substituting unwanted behavior with target behavior and removing the reinforcement of unwanted behavior
The difference between DRA and DRI is the compatibility of the behavior that is being reinforced with the existing behavior. While DRA shows an alternative way to behave, DRI only reinforces behavior incompatible with the problem behavior. An example of DRA is is telling a student to raise her hand instead of shouting in class. Here, both of these behaviors are compatible. An example of DRI is telling a child who has a habit of talking while eating to do one or the other.