for one the meaning of pan-Africanism is the principle or advocacy of the political union of all the indigenous inhabitants of Africa
also some text evidence is "Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909" there for d is wrong c isnt a really good answer its more basic so no an a is just wrong
Well, technically, this is false. The Test Ban Treaty of 1963 prohibited nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere, in outer space, and under water, but it didn't ban testing underground. However, it does prohibit nuclear explosions underground if they cause "radioactive debris" and contaminate the living surroundings.
The battle of the Somme was considered a significant moment in WW1 because it was 141 days long and the first time tanks were mobilised in battle
Great Britain was able to build ships and make weapons. (If you're talking about World War I: Britain also had a larger navy, more support in the U.S., they had more men, and a much larger empire.)
Although Woodrow Wilson was convinced that God had destined him to be president, it took all his political skill and a good deal of luck to garner the Democratic presidential nomination at the party convention in Baltimore, Maryland, in June 1912.