Nucleosomes fold up to form a 30-nanometer chromatin fiber, which forms loops averaging 300 nanometers in length. The 300 nm fibers are compressed and folded to produce a 250 nm-wide fiber, which is tightly coiled into the chromatid of a chromosome.
The three R's – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – represent the best strategy for conserving non-renewable oil, coal and natural gas. ... Increasing the reliance on renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and geothermal generators, can also help conserve the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels that remain in the ground.
Endoplasmic reticulum.
Protein synthesis, sorting and transport is the important mechanism for the synthesis of protein in the body and the transport of the protein to its specific site or organ. The protein must reaches to its final destination for its proper functioning.
KDEL ( K- leucine, D is aspartic acid, E is glutamic acid and L is lysine ) is the stretch of a specific amino acid that are responsible for the protein molecule to target at its specific site. KDEL is specific for the transport of peptides to the endoplasmic reticulum.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A).
I believe its coal i hope this helped