We are so full of sorrow and pain for the loss of your son Tom Robinson.
<span> Unrequited love was the answer to Hamlets antic disposition and insane mind. When Hamlet felt rejection, he turned to the depths of his mind to justify his emotion. He admits that he did love Ophelia once but, then goes to deny his love ever existed when Ophelia says she believed he loved her. You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I loved you not. As many men would do in present time, Hamlet did as well. He was upset over the rejection he felt and denied any feeling towards Ophelia. The built up madness and hurt inside Hamlet turned into rage and insanity. He dwelled on his feelings of hurt inside his mind and let them build up to a hurricane of emotions. (im not sure just have a look)</span>
The sermon contains three key themes: Corrupt sinners face a fearful judgment. Time is short for the unrepentant: God's righteous wrath will come suddenly and unexpectedly. It's only God's free choice that extends the day of mercy and provides another opportunity to respond to his call.
Jonathan Edwards's sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" provides a glimpse into the way sermons were written and delivered during the Great Awakening. In this text, Edwards argues that nothing keeps wicked men out of hell, except for the pleasure of God. He is able to cast any person, at any point, into hell. God is as angry at the wicked people on Earth as he is at the wicked people in Hell, and so, they should repent soon, as they never know when their own judgement day might come.