Office Depot is following a multichannel marketing
Multichannel marketing is a strategic form of marketing in which a firm, company or business provides customers or consumers a number of ways of making purchases such as through the internet or a visit to their retail stores.
This kind of marketing understands that customers are inclined to use different channels in making purchases. As such, information about goods and services are put up on both online and offline channels. It also has provisions for engaging customers via emails and online customer service interaction on a web page.
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Answer: digital content transmitted online.
Explanation: This is a new type of communication that allows users to communicate with large audiences online simultaneously. This is done using social media platforms. This is often done in 2 ways: a platform where the audience can watch and react in real time, or a platform where the audience can only watch and listen. During a many - to - many transmission, of the people participating, each individual can post a message and each individual can receive the message. An example of this on social media right now is Instagram live.
C Skilled labour as it say in the statement