Answer: is a sovereign state of government as a single entity
Answer: a. priority issues may arise when more than one person receives an assignment of the same rights
d. there is the potential for discharge by performance to the wrong party
When notice is Given to establish the validity of an assignment,t it is always a good idea to avoid the issues of priority that may arise when two ur more persons receive an assignment of the same rights and also to avoid
the potential discharge performance to the wrong party .
This person that is called on to testify during a trial must have the knowledge or skills in the field that is relevant to the case. A psychologist may be asked to serve as a consultant to an attorney or to a testifying psychologist. This can be used to determine if someone is being truthful or if they are being deceitful. They can be appointed by the court and they can sort through claims that are conflicting or if a conclusion cannot be reached. He is there to express his opinion based on his knowledge and education.
The answer would be $448 per day
It was a human being that lived on our solar system