D)To show why the state of nature is inadequate for determining what our fundamental rights should be.
John Locke, an English philosopher, widely referred to as Father of Liberalism, examines the "State of Nature" for the purpose of showing why the state of nature is inadequate for determining what our fundamental rights should be.
According to him, each individual in a society has a natural right to protect his or her own life, liberty, and property and at the same time, each individual has a natural right to seek for compensation for any wrongful injury to his or her natural rights; life, liberty, or property which has been inflicted by other individuals.
However, Locke, believed that, since 'state of nature' is more or less a state of insecurity, that is, each individual is not secured to possible infringement of his or her natural rights by other individuals. Hence, the needs to create a civil government, whose purpose is to protect the natural rights, freedom and well-being of all members of society.
This is because, in a "state of nature" there is no legislative or judicial authority that members of the society can seek for help in order to protect their natural rights, such as lives, liberty, or property. But to ensure there is security and protection to individuals natural right, there is need for a civil government, with a judicial authority whose purpose is to resolve disputes fairly and equitably.
1.Pedestrians - Most of pedestrians use to walk on the footpath along side road that keeps them on a safe side. But there are places without footpath along side road, in that case they have to walk on the road itself. Here, we need to take care for them. We need to wait in case they are crossing road and also check for them while taking a turn.
2. Cyclists - They travel on road but are tough to figure out. They travel at a slower pace compared to cars. To avoid any accident with them, we are supposed to give them enough space which should be equivalent to a car's space.
3. Motorcyclists - They can pass by very closely and also come between lanes. Most of the things to be considered here are same as that of cyclists. Here also, we need to check for them carefully while taking a turn. Also, need to give them enough space.
The modern prison system was created in Benjamin Franklin's living room. Benjamin Franklin. Wikimedia Commons The roots of America's sprawling prison system, which houses more than 2.2 million inmates, go back to an idea hatched in Ben Franklin's living room.
Resultado do processo de emancipação das Treze Colônias, a Constituição dos Estados Unidos foi logo discutida após a vitória contra os colonizadores ingleses. Nessa ocasião tivemos a formação de duas facções dividias entre os federalistas e republicanos. Os primeiros pregavam o fortalecimento do poder central com o intuito de preservar a união política dos estados. Já os republicanos acreditavam que a autonomia dos estados não poderia ser submetida ao governo central.
Interessada em buscar o equilíbrio entre as duas tendências, a carta constitucional estadunidense acabou sendo formada por uma série restrita de artigos. Criado em 1787, o documento abriu caminho para que os estados norte-americanos tivessem autonomia para elaborar uma série de leis que viriam a tratar de assuntos de natureza mais específica. nao sei se esta certo mas foi o que eu achei