It recapitulates the disappointments of the other characters — “It's not just a play within a play, it is the play in a lot of ways,” Mr. Tiffany said — while revealing a more substantial Laura and more wounded Jim, two fellow “unicorns” as unsuited to the harsh ordinary world as Laura's glass animals.
Answer is False
Buon Fresco<span> Affresco, Italian for true </span>fresco<span>, is a </span>fresco<span> painting technique in which alkaline-resistant pigments, ground in water, are applied to wet plaster. It is distinguished from the </span>fresco-secco<span> (or a </span>secco<span>) and finto </span>fresco<span> techniques, in which paints are applied to dried plaster.</span>
I'll have it ready by Friday, is there a due date?