they believed that it sounded better with the both of them as the lead singer
Many people often use hot chocolate mix with water or milk, as directed. In my opinion it's best when made with melted chocolate and milk in a pot on the stove. Usually adding a few tiny ingredients like cinnamon, vanilla extract (Small amounts), and/or sugar is good to spice things up. Top a cup of it off with some marshmallows, and you have some very good hot chocolate. Now keep in mind, when cooking it, you don't want too much chocolate compared to milk or vise/versa. It's best when it's at about a caramel consistency. Putting too much chocolate can cause it to attempt to harden over time, or putting too much milk can overpower the taste of the chocolate.
I hope this helped and I hope you enjoy it!
Your friend in answering,
Katniss and Rue remain up to steal there food/supplies. Rue will set a fire to distract the careers while Katniss was to go destroy the supplies. but upon her staking out the items while the careers run to the fire source, Katniss realizes there are land mines placed around the supplies, so she shoots a bag of apples with an arrow and watches the fiery explosions from the impact of the mines.