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Rosa Parks was an important person in history. She along with some other African Americans stood up for what they believed in, or in her case stayed seated.
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The first option is the correct answer.
The best way to shorten and combine phrases is to keep the meaning of the original text and to exclude phrases that present additional information, but that do not necessarily contribute to the main meaning of the message. In other words, we can affirm that, in order to shorten a text, it is necessary to keep the main meaning well established. For this reason, we can consider the first option as the correct option.
Do you just need me to read it or anything else??
- The discovery of the French Nicolas Leblanc and Michel Chevreul on how to make soaps.
- The end of the luxury products tax on soap.
In 1800 the soap became a popular product widely used in practically all purposes. In addition to the concepts of hygiene and cleanliness having increased at that time, the discovery of the French Nicholas Leblanc and Michael Chevreul about the manufacture of soap, allowed this product to be seen in the markets in a more recurrent way. This is because the soap was laboriously manufactured, with difficult ingredients, however these two Frenchmen managed to develop an alternative manufacture that was fast and effective, allowing the soap to be made available to everyone.
In addition, it was during this period that the soap stopped being taxed as a luxury item, which left it with affordable prices for all families.