A long-term goal of Mahatma Gandhi was to drive out the British and untie the Indian sub- continent as an independent nation oust the British and divide the Indian sub- continent along religious and ethnic lines go to war with the British and to ultimately untie the Indian sub- continent maintain political and economic ties to Great Britain as a colony of the empire.
He wanted freedom for India from the British. He did several things to reject British goods like Salt, and Cotton. He had people march for salt of the coast of Arabian Sea. He also made people burn British clothes and he decided to make his own clothes by using a giant wheel to spin cotton and made his famous clothes like the dothi. which he wore later in life.
Partition. to divide a nation into two or more parts Sedition. Acts of verbal or physical rebellion against civil authority Sepoys. Indians that formed a part of the british army Boycott. Refuse to buy products or perform services as acts of rebellion against a company or goverment