Their weapons were much more advanced ex. guns, rather than the natives had bows and arrows.
People in the early Tehuacan Valley lived gathering. They were hunter-gatherers. They hunted animals for food and cultivated their food especially maize.
- The Tehuacan culture belongs to 5000 BCE – 2300 BCE. It is located in the southeast of Puebla which belongs to Central Mexico.
- Maize was first domesticated by these people. Maize domination was high during in this culture. Many dams and canals have been built by the people to collect water for maize cultivation.
- This made the people make their settlements in this Tehuacan valley. "Cradle of Maize" is the other name for Tehuacan valley. It is because the maize was first domesticated here.
WWI left the company poorer and economic woes caused resentment amongst its population. The Great Depression of the 1930s and a collapse in international trade also worsened the economic situation in Europe, allowing Hitler to rise to power on the promise of revitalization