i like to say D .-..--.-.-.-..-.-.-..-..-.--..-.-.-...-.-.-.-
Basically I won't be giving the whole 100 words, but the theme is the process of becoming.
Both the painting and the written description depict a scene where both sides of the conflict seem completely confused as to the real reason for what it turned out to be a deadly confrontation.
The written account elaborates somewhat methodically the actions that led, step by step to the escalation of what originally was nothing but an argument between a soldier or sentry and a robe maker. The perennial curiosity of the nearby masses and the somewhat well established intransigence of law enforcement individuals clashed drastically and led to a tragic result that could've been easily avoided if cooler heads had prevailed. The depiction of the man in charge of the soldiers as a man not fit for the job seems to confirm the fact that a more disciplined superior would've been able to restrain his forces until the situation or issue at stake was clarified among the quarreling parties.
Finally, the painting only depicts the firing of the lined up soldiers against a revolting crowd on the other side but provides no clues as to what was the reason that led to the moment being depicted when the bayonets are being fired at short range in a firing squad like manner.
I’ll give you some ideas.
1. Asked for help when completing a math assignment. Felt embarrassed to need helpful but once I received the help I felt accomplished.
2. I had asked for help when I was unsure of which direction my class was. I felt okay to ask for help since it had been the first week of school. Once they helped me out I felt appreciative towards them.
3. I asked for help when searching for a certain book. I felt nervous to ask an employee, but once they helped me find it I realized I shouldn’t have worried in the first place.
This was super rushed. Sorry!