Equality for all Americans and charitable work
In some states, only the governor has the power to call a special session, while in other states this power is shared between the legislative and the executive branches. First, as leaders in their political party, governors often work to raise money for other political figures who are up for reelection.
The 3 correct answers here are Paying income tax, Paying property tax, and serving on a jury when called.
The gap between the rich and the poor grew. Large wealthy landowners took over the "abandoned" farms of those serving in the military. These soldiers came back and found that they had no land. They were basically homeless. Without land, they had no basis for earning a living and no say in the government. Without farms to earn an income, these men could fall into debt. This could lead to becoming slaves of the landowners. When the next census was held, they might even lose their citizenship if they didn't own Roman property. Citizenship was an important factor in the government of the republic. Citizens were expected to perform certain civic duties, such as voting. Without citizenship, the people would lose their voice.
Because it would be easier to pass without the southern states before they would be restored to the union.