Explanation: The numbers in a hex are the same as decimal numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The big difference between a hex and a decimal is that a hex also contains letters. These letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F. A hex number can be represented using a subscript of 16.
A (information technology)
Because of the baby in the womb
Remember, a pregnant woman carries a life (the fetus) in her womb, and the unborn child depends on its mother for food. Such a complex and fascinating stage of pregnancy requires the mother to be well-nourished or else the child may die or suffer some health problems; which may even affect the mother.
Both b and c
Dotted Decimal notation is a presentation of numerical data which is expressed as decimal numbers separated by full stops. Dotted decimal notation expresses each eight bit sections of 32 bit numbers as decimal value. It provides convenient notation which is easy to understand by the people who are IT experts.
It gains purchasing power. Less money in circulation = more value.