I'd say B: the amount and type of security placed on an application.
This is a common problem that exists between IT and other user departments. The IT department is well known for closing up certain sites and applications needed by other departments all in the name of security. As a result, it might slow down operations within different department and may cause inefficiency.
<span>To place controls on a form in a stacked layout, select all the controls and click the stacked button on the Arrange tab. </span><span>The </span>Arrange<span> tab is located in the </span>C1ReportDesigner<span>'s Ribbon menu and provides shortcuts to the Edit, Auto Format, Grid, Control Alignment, Position, and Size menu functions. </span>
// program in C.
// headers
#include <stdio.h>
// headers
#include <stdlib.h>
// headers
#include <limits.h>
// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// read value of N from command line arguments
int N=atoi(argv[1]);
// variables
int max=INT_MIN;
// variable
int min=INT_MAX;
int rA[N],i;
// fill the array with random number
// generate random number from -50 to +50
// find the Maximum
// find the Minimum
// print values of array
printf("values of the array are:");
printf("%d ",rA[i]);
// print Maximum
printf("\nMaximum value is:%d",max);
// print Minimum
printf("\nMinimum value is:%d",min);
return 0;
Read value of N from command line.Then create an array of size N.Fill the array with random number from -50 to +50.Then find the Maximum of all the elements and assign it to variable "max" and find Minimum from all and assign it to variable "min". then print all the elements of the array, Minimum and Maximum.
command line argument=10
values of the array are:-18 -18 4 -38 2 6 -42 -20 -6 44 -6 -11 15 -31 1
Maximum value is:44
Minimum value is:-42