<span>Mendeleev was the first scientist to arrange the known elements into a table. Mendeleev decided to arrange the known elements by atomic weight and allowed Mendeleev to predict the discovery to new elements by finding and placing gaps in the table where there was a jump in atomic weight.
Moseley used the x-ray wave lengths of the elements are arranged them in a table using the experimental data. This new technique resulted in some differences in the two tables like argon and potassium switching paces. cobalt was placed before nickle and tellurium was before iodine.</span>
frequency of action potentials
Your answer is B). Massive stars undergo a supernova at the red giant phase.
Jeffery Arnett is a physiologist who coined the term "emerging adulthood." This has previously been known as; delayed adulthood, transition age youth, youthhood, and the twixter years. He believes that the period between adolescence and adulthood is when the person reaches adulthood but doesn't have children, have sufficient funds, or have their own home. He believes it starts at 18 and ends around 25 years of age. He thinks this is when people are still looking for love, make money to spend on recreational activities, and trying to develop their own identities. This theory is highly controversial and has been contested by developmental psychologists.