He thinks there is a demon hiding innit thus, he runs and calls his mom. His mom says "Jimmy there's nothing in that pilow young man!" Jimmy walks back to his room scared if its still there. He hops into bed hoping that he can get a good nights rest. The next day, Jimmy asks if he can go buy another pillow. His mom says "As long as it makes you feel safe then ok." Young Jimmy, jumping in excitement, goes to the checkout zone to buy his new pillow. When they get home, Jimmy and his mom eat dinner and then head for bed. Jimmy hops into bed and knows that everything will be ok. The end.
The answer is C. double-click
A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines.
a superscript is a character(s) half the height of a standard character and printed higher than the rest of the text.
In word processing, the word indent is used to describe the distance, or number of blank spaces used to separate a paragraph from the left or right margins.
The answer is to use the Ctrl and C keys on the keyboard to copy content from one workbook to another.
The Ctrl and C key is the standard combination keys on the keyboard that is used to copy any selected text or objects while in a user interface environment. Janice is required to press the C key while holding down the Ctrl key to copy all the content to the new workbook.
Another way of doing it is to make sure that both source and target workbooks are open. Navigate the sheets you want to copy or move in the source workbook. Click the Home tab and select then format dropdown in the Cells group. Select move or copy sheet option in the Organize sheet option. Choose the target workbook from the To Book dropdown and click OK.