What one says can make an enemy sympathizer happy to hear. A mother could talk about the socks she's knitting for you grandson, a father could talk about the truck's engine being hard to start (with no other details), but it was forbidden to talk about things that give away troop movements or anything that might be useful to the enemy. They would love to know that there were ships leaving the Baltimore harbor. The submarines would be there waiting for them.
In some cases it would be considered to be treason to divulge certain information, so your freedom of speech is severely limited.
The conquest of new lands directly contributed to the economic growth of nations since through territorial expansion new territories were acquired that included within themselves enormous amounts of natural resources.
Thus, for example, the territorial expansion of Spain during the conquest of America allowed the Spanish Empire access to precious metals and different grains that contributed to the economic development of the nation and the well-being of its citizens.
Another example is that of the United States, which after the annexation of California was able to exploit the enormous gold reserves that were in the territory of the State.
D. Children could attend school part of the day and work part of the day.
Children often worked full time jobs rather than attended school, and those that did likely would drop out later to work anyways.
That’s cool that you guys are learning about American Indians!
I believe it was called the Mercantilist Policies which made them economically Dependant