These are the least I could get
The correct answer is fungi because fungi are organisms that survive on decomposing organisms
Answer: B. under use; it is a scarce resource.
Early settlers in the town of Dry Gulch drilled wells to pump as much water as they wanted from the single aquifer beneath the town. (An aquifer is an underground body of water.) As more people settled in Dry Gulch, the aquifer level fell and new wells had to be drilled deeper at higher cost.Residents of Dry Gulch have a private incentive to under use water because it is a scarce resource.
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The red blood corpuscles have a pigment called hemoglobin that binds to the oxygen and carries it to the whole body in both the conditions, when the body is at rest or when the body is exercising. The oxygenated blood from the heart is carried to the various parts of the body and the de-oxygenated blood from various parts of the body is carried to the lungs where the exchange of gases takes place.