Society came first, then the government.
In <em>The Origin of Family, Private Property and the State</em>, Friedrich Engels outlines the development of human societies from the early tribal organization up to the development of the first forms of government. According to Engels, <u>humans created the first primitive societies as a means of survival</u>. Not only humans found safety in numbers, but most importantly, the larger the tribe, the more productive collective work was. Hunter-gatherer societies had very scarce resources available, so everybody shared the work, and everybody shared what was extracted and produced, so they had a primitive form of communism as their economic organization.
It was with the development of agriculture that the first forms of state power appeared. Agriculture meant that now societies could produce a surplus of food and other goods. This surplus was eventually appropriated by tribal leaders, creating private property. In order to defend their claim to private property, the <u>leaders of these societies created the first forms of state power, like a government, religion, and armed forces</u>.