Literature aided it by spreading the word of slavery and why it should come to an end. people began reading what was wrote about slavery that began the movement
Chairman Mao has at least five major contributions to the Chinese nation, to the New China, and to the Chinese Communist Party. First, he led the Chinese people through a long-term revolutionary struggle and finally achieved national independence and the liberation of the people and created a new China.
Chairman Mao has at least five major contributions to the Chinese nation, to the New China, and to the Chinese Communist Party. First, he led the Chinese people through a long-term revolutionary struggle and finally achieved national independence and the liberation of the people and created a new China.
The US war on drugs and its legacy in Latin America ... The legacy of the US-funded war on drugs in Latin America is profound even as its impact has been ... to dictate the implementation of policy as it did in the 70s and 80s.
google said it
An amendment is a written change to the constitution