Don’t go to the links there hacks
Well, religiously, it as Adam. Otherwise, no one knows.
Enclosures pushed peasants out of the countryside and for those who stayed ..poverty..Many remained as tenant farmers,small landowners or wage earners. Fifty percent of England’s farmland was already enclosed by 1750.
According to the declaration of independence 1776, the powers that belong to the United States as " Free and Independent States" are war, peace treaty and trade. The declaration states that all the people of the world that the 13 united colonies are free from British rule. The independent states claim the power to levy war, make peace and alliances with foreign nations, conduct trade and do anything independent states have right to do.The new states believe that God will protect them in trying to establish a just government while its citizens pledge their loyalty and lives to the cause o the independent nation.
because he believed in what Hitler was doing