hey so i would say the answer is A. Bipdalism
bipdalism (bipedalism??) is more about human evolution and is being two-footed, like using your two feet to stand and walk around.
huts, bow and arrow, and fire can be considered to be technology. you can live in a hut for shelter, use bow and arrow to hunt, and fire for all kinds of things (cooking, warmth, protection)
8:46 a.m.
At 8:46 a.m., hijackers managed to fly a plane into the North Tower of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Because Britain wanted to expand its manufactured goods market. In the eighteenth century, Britain traded English wool and Indian cotton for Chinese tea and textiles; however, when the Chinese demand weakened, Britain demanded other means of attracting trade with China. Britain realized it could make up the trade deficit with China by selling Indian opium into the Chinese market, making opium the most profitable and popular crop in world markets.