<em>Au supermarché, j'achète toujours quelques légumes.</em>
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<em>A mon avis, la moitié d'une flute. </em>
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<em>Dans le placard, il y a une boîte de haricots verts.</em>
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<em>A la cantine, on peut manger des hamburgers.</em>
A knowledge-based system (KBS) is a form of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to capture the knowledge of human experts to support decision-making. Examples of knowledge-based systems include expert systems, which are so called because of their reliance on human expertise.
1) Mary fait du rugby le lundi.
2)Elle fait du judo à dix-huit heures.
On y va pour acheter les médicaments.*
la pharmacie
hello i didn’t understand what to write in the first frame... You have to put the word after it?