Well, Ecuador is a country filled with rainforests, which occur where it rains a lot, the western side of mountain ranges, where storms build up and stall, and it could be during el nino, which means a large abnormal amount of storms in pacific tropical areas.
i have fat weeny yumyumyum
The statement is true.
As weird as it may sound, helium was indeed first discovered on the Sun, and after some time on Earth. The first evidence of helium was observed on August 18 1868, as a bright yellow line with a wavelength of 587.49 nanometers in the spectrum of the Sun's chromosphere. This line has been detected by a French astronomer by the name of Jules Janssen during a total solar eclipse in Gantur, India.
Answer: The major problem in Mumbai is the growth of squatter settlements known in India as SLUMS. These slums come with many issues for people including the lack of planned access to clean water and sanitation systems, poor health, lack of education, unemployment and the prospect of crime.
Challenging Conditions in the slums:
1. Lack of sanitation is the major issue.
2. Lack of access to clean water.
3. Lack of legal rights.
4. Poor Health.
5. Unemployment and Poor Quality Work.