Getulio Vargas created a <u>Dictatorship</u> during the Great Depression. A <u>Military Junta</u> forced Juscelino Kubitschek from office in 1964.
In 1930 Getulio Vargas lost the run for presidency, because of that he led a revolution that overthrew the oligarchical republic. Since then, he ruled for 15 years with dictatorial powers. This is called “Estado Novo” (New State), he along with his family and staff ruled the country.
In 1964, the Military overthrew President João Goulart and led a coup d’état. The military maintained control of the Country for about 30 years. It was only in 1988 that Brazil became a democracy again. Until then, Brazil was led by a dictatorship that violated human rights and basic Constitutional rights. The most repressive time was during the AI-5 that removed rights of assembly, arrested politicians, and installed torture.