Answer: Here are some questions you can ask, also don't sweat it Socratic seminars are for students who are curious about the book and their opinion.
1. What was your first impression of Sydney Carton? What gave you this impression?
2. After reading the chapters, has your opinion of Carton changed? What is Carton’s opinion about himself? What negative and positive traits does he possess?
3. Is Sydney Carton someone you could see as your friend? Why or why not?
4. What is the significance of the title “The Gold Thread”? How is it applicable to the novel?
5. Explain why Charles Darnay gave up his inheritance and explain what his uncle’s reaction was to this decision.
6. Consider what Sydney Carton said he would do for Lucie at the end of the last chapter in this section. What do you think of his intentions? Should he be considered trustworthy?
7. Charles Dickens originally wanted to title this book Buried Alive. Do you think this would have been an effective title for the novel? Why or why not?
8. Sydney Carton resents Charles Darnay. Is this a realistic response to their personal situations?
First of all/ Which Shiloh book are you talking about?
Jesus is my Brother up in heaven
By following the commandments from the Lds church and thanking him for repenting for all my sins so i can live with him again
I Thank him for my blessings and ask for blessings
When i watch General Conference, all the speakers
It helps me be at peace beacuse I know he is true so i go through out my day always thinking of him and asking myself. "If he was here would i still do it?"
I learned that he loves me
My best guess for this question is to find good topic to talk about, and if your topic is too broad it may be hard to find information. So if your topic is too broad you have to do a lot of research, and find information that you thought made sense.
The correct answer is A ephemeral--evanescent
Both words refer to concepts that are quickly fading, last for a short time, disappear, or similar.